Friday, November 9, 2012

Latest Doctor Visit

Well since I've been laying in bed for the past hour and half awake, I figured I'd get up and make good use of my time since I can't sleep.
Today, or technically yesterday now, I went for my routine doctor appointment. It went well. We have 6 different OBGYNs, and when you're pregnant they do a rotation so that you meet with and get to know some of the other doctors in case one of them ends up delivering your baby. Well for the past two weeks I happened to have the same doctor, but I had a different one today (Dr. Koefed, who actually was the one who delivered Ashley when she was born).
The last two appointments that I had gone to I was measuring a little smaller. I.e. when you are 35 weeks, you should measure at approx 35 inches top to bottom. The doctor wasn't very concerned since Emily was already so low--he said once the baby drops they often times start measuring a little smaller. It wasn't anything drastic either--when I was 37 weeks, I was measuring at 35 1/2. Well, when I went this time I was still measuring smaller, so Dr. Koefed had me do an ultrasound just to look at everything in closer detail and make sure everything was on track with the baby. I wasn't opposed to this at all!!! I was confident everything was fine--I've still been gaining on track, she is moving around a lot, etc. So I wasn't worried, and was thrilled to have an extra chance to get a sneak peak at my little baby!!!

First off, everything was FINE. Emily is right on track and things look great. It was so exciting to see her again too, and find out more about her. Based on the ultrasound, they were able to determine that Emily is already 6 lbs, 12 oz. Emily is still a girl, lol. They also said that she has a lot of hair! She pointed it out on the ultrasound. It's so cool! I remember being in labor with Ashley and when they'd do their checks, I'd ask them if they could tell if she had hair or not. Lol. Now I know in advance. It also makes it exciting knowing she is her own little person. Just more real and exciting :) I always love ultrasounds, it never gets old seeing your little baby in there moving around, opening her mouth, etc. It made me really excited to meet her soon.

I was so mad though, the ultrasound tech was really nice and tried to get me to see Emily in 3D. I had always been dying to do this and see the baby, especially when you're this far along because you can really get a good view of what they look like, but Emily was being a stubborn little girl and wouldn't move her hand from in front of her face. I was bummed!!! The woman was nice and kept trying for a few minutes too, but Emily wasn't having it. Haha. Guess I'll have to live with the suspense for a couple more weeks (or until she decides to make her appearance). It's funny, here she was with her hand up, and she's had her hand like that the past time or two when we did our last ultrasounds too. It must be a comforting position for her--I'll have to keep that in mind after she gets here ;)

One other bummer was that last week the last doctor said that they'd check my cervix and see if I'm dilated this time, but each doctor has their own policy and Dr. Koefed said she doesn't check until 38 weeks (and I was 2 days short). I was hoping to see if I have made any progress, but I guess I'll just have to live with that suspense too :)

Here are some pics from the ultrasound. They're not the best quality since I didn't have my CD disk with me (don't bother to bring it since they normally don't do ultrasounds after 20 weeks at my office). I took pics of pics, but you can at least get an idea.
 Side profile
 She was looking straight at us
The white spot is her hair

It was great though, loved this visit since I got to see my baby alive, healthy and well. Won't be long now!

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