Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fitting for today....

dear sweet mom who feels like she is failing.

You’re not.
If you and I were sitting in Starbucks and you had your fave drink and I had my Caramel Macchiato I’d look at you, and I’d tell you the truth – you’re not failing.
I know. I’m guessing, you’d wipe away the tears, and look up, and try to nod your head, but inside, inside well, you’d think that those are nice words but seriously she has no idea. You know why I know? Because I’ve sat in a coffee shop, across from a friend, a friend who looked me smack in the face and told me that I wasn’t failing and that I was doing a great job.
I wanted to tell her about the dishes from yesterday sitting on my counter. And how the pile of storybooks wasn’t read again. And that I’m a week behind in laundry. And that I got really really irritated at the mixture of 13 toys all dumped in a pile that two days ago was sorted into 13 labeled boxes. I wondered if she knew that some days, some days I get up and just go through the mom motions without even really finding much joy. It felt like drudgery.
How could she tell me I wasn’t failing?
Somehow in the mixed up media world we’ve got these thoughts of moms being perfect. Society doesn’t give us a break. I mean read this article in the New York Times about the pressure on moms to look a certain way after they give birth. And then? Then we’re to be ultra creative, crafty, humorous, happy, chipper, up before dawn, to sleep after dark, with our sinks shined, and the laundry folded, and tomorrow’s breakfast in the crockpot, with tomorrow’s dinner – pulled from our once-a-month cooking thawing in the fridge, while we work out for 20 minutes on odd days and 40 minutes on even days, and our hair is always done, we’re makeup ready, our fridges are stocked, and the craft closet bursting with ideas for that quick perfect afternoon art project that we’ll place on our recycled wood and mod podged adorned hand painted chalkboard.
And, in reality, it’s 8am and we’re just getting up. The baby was up all night, or the toddler sick, or honestly, we were just tired. We get our coffee and flip on facebook and our stream is flooded with stuff people have already done {I always tell myself — different time zones} and we’re racing to catch up with this never before except for the last hundred years perfect never feel like you’re failing mom ideal that is exhausting.
You know what my friend told me? She told me to slow down. Slow down? How in the world when I felt like I was failing was I to slow down? I had way way way too much to do and I needed to read that parenting book to work on my attitude and and and…and. And she told me enough. And that I was a good mom.
You know, you’re not failing.
You need to start to see all you do accomplish in a day. All the smiles of encouragement, meals made, clothes changed, books read, and more. Just like I wrote yesterday – we make mistakes {ten things moms need to remember} – we just need to learn from them. We’re out of breath, racing, and exhausted, but truly not failing. Failing means stopping. Not getting up, not trying, not giving. That’s not you.
I want you to stop telling yourself you’re failing. Instead I want you to replace it with I can do this.
You can do this.
Those soundtrack words and feeling about failing are just feelings. Don’t let them define you anymore. If you hear I’m failing replace it immediately with I can do this.
If you were across the table from me that is what I would tell you.
And, of course, I’d tell you  do one thing. I’m going to write and say it again and again and again. Write your list of things you want to do, need to do, and would love to do today with your family. And then, do one thing from each list. If you stumble, brush yourself off, and start again. Don’t worry that the neighbor across the street seems to be doing twenty or the pinterest pin tells you that the perfect home can be achieved in 6 Easy Steps. This is your life – and you – you are the perfect mother for those children. God knew when he blessed those kids to you.

Remember that.
You are a good mom. You matter. You are making a difference.
You can do this. One step, one day, at a time.
From me, one mom in the midst of motherhood, to you.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Quick Update

Just a real quick writing post....

First, Emily has been adorable. She's really a pro at walking already. Each day she gets better and better. She gets around real quick, she hardly falls, she's climbing up on things and into things. Her latest thing is pulling out all the cereal boxes in the pantry and sitting on the shelf. Lol. Other times she'll carry the cereal boxes (or other large items) around the house.

Her new thing is to point to the stove and/or fireplace and say "hot, hot".

She has several teeth coming in but has been a sport about it, and is back to eating better.

Ashley has been cute too. She just loves loves loves to play dress up and make believe. It's so much fun. She is also quite impressionable. This is kind of funny/gross/embarrassing, but the other day she went to kiss me and closed her eyes and tilted her head (almost like a make-out kiss). It took me by surprise, but I kept my cool. I just non shallantly asked where she learned that, and she said from the Little Mermaid when Ariel kisses Eric. So again I casually explained how Ariel and Eric sometimes kiss like that because they were married, but mommies and daughters kiss a little differently on the cheek. It made me chuckle to myself though.
The other day she also said something that made me kind of sad. Working with Eating Disorders, I am sensitive to messages and try not to comment on appearance stuff. Occasionally if I do, it'll be something like "you are beautiful on the inside and the outside", and more like "you're so special because of ____ qualities". Well the other day she wanted to wear her flower clip in her hair, and she turned and looked at me and asked me "now do I look beautiful mama?" The way she asked me, seeking my validation, just broke my heart. Silly Disney movies...grr....but I don't want to deprive her of them completely since she does enjoy them.

Here are some of Ashley's favorites:
Color: green  (reported by her)
Cereal: Lucky Charms
Lunch: Peanut butter and nutella (we call it chocolate)
Movie: Ariel (Little Mermaid)
Song: ABC's or Itsy Bitsy Spider
Toy: Dress up stuff

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A writing post

So...Matt has his 1/2 day and has taken Ashley out to run errands with him, and Emily is napping, so I am taking advantage of the quiet time I have right now--it's so rare nowadays. I figured I'd stop to catch up on the happenings with the girls now.

Well, we will start with Emily. I'm not sure what constitutes as official "walking", but within the past few days she has opted to walk/take steps to things about 80% of the time. By Christmas she was taking up to 10 steps on her own. Now she still can/does, and can even walk across the room, and has been "walking" to different places that she wants to reach. So I think it counts....I still get a little nervous with the wobbly walking stage, although Emily is very graceful and good with balance. Even when she falls she usually falls gracefully 9 out of 10 times. So that is comforting since I can't always be around to soften the blow.

She has also begun climbing a lot. She likes to move chairs around the room (even our big kitchen chairs), and will also use her play chair to push against furniture and climb up on to reach things. She also loves to climb in and out of Ashley's big girl bed, and does a pretty good job about putting her feet down first to climb out without falling.

She is saying more words, babbling a lot, and pointing to things.

She is getting a few more teeth all at once, including some back molars. It's kind of reverted some of her eating--she was pretty much eating anything we were, but has settled on softer foods or even baby food again at times because her gums are so sore. It's also led to a constant runny nose and lots of poopy diapers...fun fun.

Despite her joy for walking, she still likes to be held/snuggled a lot. Sometimes she will literally hang off of my legs while I'm doing something, wanting to be held.

She also loves discovering things--she likes books with flaps that she can open, she loves to pull things apart and see how they work.

Emily also LOVES music and loves to dance or bop along to the tune. It's so cute to watch.

Ashley has been doing a FANTASTIC job with potty training. I think she's only had 2-3 accidents in total over the past few weeks. She's also really great about telling us when she needs to go. We check in throughout the day from time to time, and she'll usually say no she doesn't need to go. Then when she does, she will tell us. We even went to a friends house for a playdate, and she went and used the potty all by herself without even telling me. Haha. I'm really impressed and proud with how well she's been doing.

We've been through a transitional time with the new big girl bed. It's been a frustrating process at times. Prior to switching, Ashley slept until about 8 every morning. Now she's up very early, and the rare "sleeping in" is sleeping until 7. Also prior, Ashley's nap time has been 65% napping, 35% stay up and play/sing quietly in her crib. Now it's more like 50/50% which is still fine with me as long as she plays/reads quietly in her room.....BUT, Ashley doesn't want to stay in her room which is the problem. She is constantly in and out, claiming that she needs to use the potty (and when she does try, she does go almost all of the time). It's been a balancing act, because I don't want her having accidents since she's in regular underpants, but I also know she's totally abusing it, making herself go potty so she can keep going in and out of bed. We still do pull up underpants at night since she still occasionally wakes up wet, and I was half thinking of doing the same for nap time and saying that she needs to use the potty and get everything out before nap time (or not), but if she goes potty after that, she'll have to just sit and wait until bedroom time is over which doesn't feel too good. She will also open and shut her door multiple times, or even blatantly just walk out of her room and state that she is all done with quiet time.
 I have been doing lots of reading and researching on bedtime techniques that I hope will be effective, because it has been very stressful. I think it's so important for kids to have quiet/rest time even if they don't sleep...and quite frankly, mommy needs it. Matt works several LONG days where I'm basically a single mom from wake up time until bedtime. By nap time I am needing a break and some peace and quiet to either get things done for supper or around the house, or even just to sit and relax for a little bit. When I don't get it, I am more irritable and cranky with the girls which I don't want to be. I am even embarrassed to admit that I have lost my cool a few times and have yelled and made empty threats (which I know isn't good to do either). I try so hard to be calm, patient and loving. I don't want hurtful talk leaving bitter memories for my kids. So I am doing lots or reading to try to be proactive rather than reactive, and I am also being more selective with my nighttime "me time" so that I can use good coping tools to restore myself as much as possible for the next day. And I know this is just a phase....

Meal time is also difficult. I have seen firsthand how battling over food can lead to problems later on, and I am in the ED field and know not to make it about control. However, it is difficult finding a happy medium, and you read conflicting messages in the parent books. For instance, one book said how back in the day it was "you eat what is put in front of you or you don't eat", but that that's not necessarily good for kids, and that THAT can lead to ED/food issues, and that adults have lots of choices in what their eating, and kids should too. So let them pick what they eat, yet have other foods that you're eating readily available in case they want to try. Others still suggest the "give them what you're having" approach, and if they don't eat it then they will eat a big meal next time. After doing lots of research on it, I've come to a conclusion that I am happy with. I don't know if I agree with letting kids pick their own meals. I did try it with Ashley, and her pick is/would be Lucky Charms every day for every meal. However, I don't think it should be "take it or leave it" 100% either. So...I am going to do a combination. I'm going to let Ashley have choices and alternatives when picking foods (especially dinner which seems to be the hardest)--for example, would you like carrots or peas for dinner? Or chicken or fish for dinner? (Letting her have choices based on my selections). Then, I will serve her dinner based on that, and she could either choose to eat it (without counting bites, threats, or nagging), and will leave it on the table until a certain time, and if she doesn't eat it then she will have a big breakfast the next day. Matt and I are on the same page, and we're sticking to it!

Other than common battles for her age group, she is doing great otherwise. She is just learning and doing in leaps and bounds. We got this book for Christmas called "Where's Maddie?" with a dog that is posed on about 300 objects. I looked through it with Ashley, and I am just so impressed with her recall and all the objects that she can remember and identify. She knows so much.

She can also pull up memories from months and months ago, even up to a year ago probably. Same with discussions. For instance, one day we were in the car and I was going through body parts (mores for Emily since Ashley has known them for quite sometime). I was doing more challenging ones too. I had Ashley point to her forehead, which she did, and then she said how daddy had a boo boo on his forehead from the time he bumped his head on a fireplace when he was little. I was like "where the heck did that come from??" She had apparently heard the story and remembered it.
She can also remember all/most of the words to many songs. She can also distinguish which object is bigger/smaller, which one has more or less of something.

She is also LOVING dress up time and make believe/imagination stuff right now. I absolutely LOVE to watch/engage in it too. She got a few dress up clothes for Christmas, and she will switch from one to the next throughout the whole day. It's so cute. She will go from Cinderella, to Ariel the mermaid, to a superhero, to her animal masks. One day we took a walk on a "hiking trail" near our house, and she insisted on wearing her mouse mask (which she called Chucky Cheese). She also didn't want to wear her hood even though it was cold, because it would mess up her role. It was so cute watching her. Everyone walking by would smile at her. Sometimes she'd even go up to people and say "hi, I'm Chucky Cheese". It was just so cute.

I tell ya, she is at that age that can make a parent feel bipolar at times....She can bring you the greatest joy, love and laughter with all the adorable things she does; as well as bring the greatest frustration with (normal) developmental stuff for her age--all within a two minute time frame at times. Haha. But even despite the frustrating moments, I wouldn't change any of it and love this journey.

I am sure that there is much more about both girls, but my recall is pretty lousy at the moment.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Final post to catch up...Ashley is 3!!!!

Sooooo I feel like I just posted that Emily turned one (perhaps it's because I was so behind in stating it!!! Haha). But I am playing catch up tonight while I can, so figured I'd post one more. Our daughter Ashley turned 3. I CANNOT believe that. I feel like she was just born, then fast forwarded to her first birthday. The fact that she is now three is hard to fathom. She is such an amazing girl too! She is so smart, kind, gentle, inquisitive, fun and loving! I am so incredibly proud of both of my girls, and watching the people they are growing into.

Anyway, after such a major fiasco for Emily's first birthday, followed by a hectic (yet fun) December and Christmas season, we opted to do a small, intimate birthday party for Ashley this year with immediate family and her closest neighborhood friend, Amanda and her family (who also happens to be my closest new friend from the area). It was really nice! Ashley has been into The Little Mermaid, wanting to watch the movies (part 1 and 2), as well as dress up in her new Mermaid costume from Aunt Kristyn and Uncle Brian, and we are always playing Mermaid, where she designates assignments to all of us--Ursula the octopus, Flounder, Sebastian and even King Triton. Haha.

We started off with the birthday wishes and singing, to surprise decorations, to opening her new gift (a special Little Mermaid doll and wagon for both girls), to a special birthday breakfast (which was only Lucky Charms, but that was by request since Ashley absolutely loves the cereal). Then Ashley helped us decorate the rest of the place. We had a small birthday party with Grandmom, grand pop, Uncle Andrew, cousin Ben (Aunt Lauren was out of town), grandpa, and her (norther BFF) Amanda (as well as Rachel, Clint and baby Matthew). It was nice--we had pizza, cake, goodies, opened gifts and did lots of playing. Ashley had a great time, as did we! Anyway, here are some highlights from such a special day, then I am going to BED!!!!

Christmas Day

So on Christmas day we decided to spend it with just our family at our new house this year. We still had wonderful celebrations and "Christmas Days" with our families, but we wanted a chance to have our own celebration to watch our girls open their gifts and create some new Christmas celebrations this year under our own Christmas tree. I have to say, it was nice. If we didn't have celebrations with our families, I would have been sad...but we had the best of both worlds. We got a chance to have special moments and celebrations with them, but we also had the opportunity to celebrate as our own family. We were able to "take it all in" and get to watch and enjoy the kids enjoying Christmas. We had fun seeing their faces in the morning while they opened gifts, and had some special days. I had lots of things I wanted to do on the day, but there's always more time in the day in my head than in actuality, especially with nap times. But all in all we covered a lot...We opened gifts, had a special breakfast, played with all the new toys and gifts, watched a Christmas movie, had a nice dinner and went for a drive to see Christmas lights (we also converted Ashley's crib into a bed finally--we had held off since she had never tried climbing out until recently, coupled with the fact that we were living with Lisa and Bruce, then moved into a brand new house with lots of new temptations and wanted to wait until it was less exciting). I had hoped to do a gingerbread house and bake cookies, but as I said, not enough time in the day....We did do the gingerbread house the next day (Ashley and I during Emily's nap (daddy was at work), and we are yet to do the cookies, or should I say cake balls. We will though :)  Anyway, here are the pics....
Pictures from our Christmas dinner

Working on the gingerbread house the next day...Ashley was concentrating
The girls opening their gifts
Daddy and Emily

Our stockings were hung by the chimney with care....

More Christmas dinner
Ashley is The Little Mermaid/Harry Potter/Dr. Shohen

Ashley with "Barry" the berry from the movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs part 2", the first movie she went to see with daddy
Our dinner...yum...
Emily eating the orange from her stocking...lol

Opening gifts
Ashley got the same nail polish from Santa that we saw in FAO Swartz NYC trip

We like our new gifts
My super warm new boots that are AMAZING in the cold/wet weather...I never knew what I was missing....although, again, depressing to get "cold weather"gifts...haha

My sweet girls with some new toys

Ashley doing my hair with her new hair styling kit from our friends, the Lastingers

Ashley got new "big girl" underpants from Santa! No more pull ups!!

All the new toys, and she chooses a box!
Ashley absolutely loves her new mermaid costume from Aunt Kristyn and Uncle Brian!
Our new Christmas plates and cups
Converting Ashley's crib into a bed! Bittersweet moment!