Sunday, October 28, 2012

Emily's nursery, the finished product!!

 So as of today, the "nesting phase" is complete. Emily's room is all finished!!!! Yay!! It looks great! I love how both Ashley and Emily's nurseries turned out. Ashley's was sweet, Emily's is fun. And both ended up with some homemade touches to make them extra unique and special thanks to grand mom!

Along with the room being done, all of Emily's clothes have been washed and put away, bottles have been sterilized, the carseats are in the car and truck for when we need them, we've pulled down and cleaned all the baby things we need. The only thing left is to pack the hospital bag for Emily and I, and a suitcase for Ashley too in case Emily comes before family gets here. I even managed to get the house cleaned and in order, or at least to the best of my abilities without pushing myself too hard.

I feel accomplished and excited. I just did it little by little, and managed to get it done before she got here (also with thanks to those that helped).


  1. The nursery looks great Lisa!! I especially love the wonderfully made plaque. Where did you get it? I've been looking for something like that for Zayne and Noah's room but haven't found one I like yet.

    I'm sure you are relieved that everything is finished and ready to go!!

  2. Thanks April! I got the plaque at Cross Way Christian supply. They do have a boy version as well.

    I am very happy to have it all done! Now she can come whenever she is ready.

    Hope you guys are doing well, hopefully we'll see you the next time we are visiting GA!
