Monday, August 13, 2012

Just an Ashley update

I've been busy keeping up with the belly shots and baby updates, I realized it's been a while since I've had "just" an Ashley update. So I figured I'd take a minute to write about her latest happenings.

First, I have to say Ashley is such a great little girl... She really is. She brings us so much joy, laughter, and love. There is not a day that she doesn't put a smile on my face or warm my heart.

I had forgotten to mention that I had signed Ashley up for a summer camp for the last 3 weeks in July (only 1x/week for a few hours). I figured I would do a trial run to see how she did, and if it went well then I'd consider continuing in the fall and spring class. It's nice because she is in her friend Ana Pistolis' class, and she is able to socialize with other kids. In the summer they do water play and other fun structured activities. It's also nice for me because it gives me a few hours of "me time", which sometimes I spend taking care of errands or cleaning, but most times I use to do things I couldn't normally do with Ashley around. I also figured it'd be helpful in the fall when the baby comes, because it'd give Ashley a chance to get out of the house and have some fun rather than being cooped up, and it'd also give me a chance to have some one-on-one time with Emily and maybe even a chance to nap if Emily's napping. She did pretty well. Her teacher said how she was so impressed with how polite Ashley was, with all of her please and thank you's.

Ashley has been doing lots of fun things. Recently she started humming or "singing along" to songs when we play them. It is too cute! She also tries to say the bedtime prayer with me.

She is also becoming aware of the baby I think. I point to my belly and tell her that baby is in mommy's belly. For the longest time I don't think she really understood (and she still may not to some extent), but one time she pointed to my stomach on her own and said "baby". I was impressed.

I think she is going to be a great big sister. My friend/neighbor Kenia just had a baby a week or two ago. Ashley and I went over to visit and meet the new baby today. Ashley was absolutely fascinated with the baby--she wanted to be around her the whole time, touch her, give her hugs, she even wanted to hold her. It was sweet.

Speaking of babies, one of her favorite things to do is push her "baby" around in the toy stroller. She also loves to play peek-a-boo, blow bubbles, and her new thing is putting things on her head and walking around the house. She also likes pulling tissues out and "blowing her nose", or sometimes just tearing them up. She cracks me up.

Ashley also likes to help get Maddie ready for a walk. She can reach up and get Maddie's collar, and she even attempts to put it on her. She also likes to actually hold the leash when we go for a walk.

She also loves having her picture taken now. She just started saying "cheese" when we have the camera, and often will get right in front of the camera so I will take her picture. She's a little ham!

Speaking of pictures, when she sees animal pictures in books or when we see an animal out, she makes the sound that the animal makes. She also likes to sometimes read to you now, and turn pages.She also continues to talk more and more, and is picking up lots of words.

She has also been improving on climbing up and down the stairs (she's been doing the climb up for a while, but is working on and improving coming down)--she likes to come down like a big girl--holding your hand and taking steps rather than scooting down.

I think Ashley's 2 year old molars are coming in. She's had a slight fever and has been a little cranky the past couple days. She doesn't let you get a good look in her mouth, but we're pretty sure we saw at least one. She's been a good sport though.

Lastly, Ashley is such a sweetie. She is pretty affectionate now. She is always coming up and resting her head on you and hugging you. She also blows kisses a lot. I love it!

Well that's all I can think of for now. I love my little girl!

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