Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rough night...

Man, the past 24 hours have been rough. Poor Ashley still has been sick. Yesterday she was crying some, and lethargic and not herself. I brought her to the pediatrician and they said that she didn't have strep or ear infection, looks like a cold or the virus still running it's course with other symptoms. She also has three teeth coming through, including molars. Not much to do but ride it out and keep using the humidifier in her room. So, I went to work (reluctantly) since Matt was home with her. I knew she was in good hands, but felt bad leaving my poor girl.
Then when I got home from work, I started feeling kind of crummy. I ended up being sick multiple times during the night. NOT FUN! Matt and I usually never get sick, and this winter I've been sick with a virus twice now. Grr. Anyway, not only was I up multiple times, but Ashley kept waking up. I think it was a combination of hearing me up flushing (the bathroom wall is against her wall where crib is), and she was congested and feeling lousy. Since I was sick, Matt had to get up with her. He/they were up from 2:30 this morning.
Matt (daddy) was really amazing. He really stepped up and took good care of his girls. We were considering getting a sitter, but Ashley was so miserable and just needed her daddy or mommy. We didn't want to leave her with someone. Last time I got sick, it ran through my mind that it would be easier if we lived closer to family. But the reality is that there is no close 1/2 way spot between our immediate family, so we wouldn't be close enough anyway. And our parents aren't retired, so everyone has work anyway so it wouldn't be any different than now.
My awesome friend Beth had picked up soup and gatorades for me, but Matt had to go out later to pick up some meds for Ashley. Ashley and I napped while he was out. When I woke up from my nap, I came downstairs and Matt had roses, a sweet sign, and chocolates waiting. He had gotten Ashley and I some small gifts the other day, but these were a post-valentines/feel better flowers. And it was even nicer because I totally wasn't expecting it :)

Anyway, we survived. I'm just praying Ashley and I are both better tomorrow. It's been a long week!

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