Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Ashley Grace!!!!

A year ago today at 12:43 a.m., God blessed Matt and I with the greatest blessing, our daughter Ashley Grace. Words can't express our love for her. I love my baby girl!!! Can't believe she is 1 already! This has been the best year of my life!

We had a great day. When Ashley woke up, I came in singing Happy Birthday to her, then I had the kitchen all decorated for her. She was fascinated with the decorations, and had fun playing with her birthday balloon while she ate. I made her a special breakfast.

Daddy worked a 1/2 day, then he came home and we took Ashley to the Children's Museum. We had a lot of fun. She played in a wind tunnel, went "grocery shopping", played house/kitchen, milked a fake cow, played with fake farm animals and water display. Fun day.

Also, Ashley is getting really close to walking now!!! She is on the move, getting around really fast. She can move to different pieces of furniture, walks along the walls, climbs up the stairs really fast, etc.
Today, on her birthday, she stood on her own (without holding on to anything) for about four seconds. She also walked by herself with her toy walker.

She is doing great. She "talks" a lot, mimicking words we say. She has also been singing, saying "ahhh eee ahh eee" a lot. It's so cute.

Yesterday we went for her 1 year wellness visit with her pediatrician. All is looking good. She is now 29.75 inches, which puts her in the 73% for her height, and 20 lbs, 3 oz, which puts her at 36.45% for her weight. She dropped from 49%, but the doctor said he wasn't concerned because she is eating good and is just really active. She is right on track with all of her milestones, and is happy and well adjusted.

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