Sunday, July 9, 2017

School's out for the summer

I'm a little late on the notice, but school is out for the summer. Ashley has completed her first year of "real school"in kindergarten, and Emily finished up the 3's preschool class. Both got very good reports.

So far summer has been good. We've had lots of fun times with friends--trip to the movie theater, pool swimming or YMCA lake, playdates at playgrounds, library trips, animal farms, 4th of July pool/fireworks, graduation parties, gender reveal/baby shower, and visiting with friends we don't get to see very often. They have also done a week long soccer camp, and now they are about to start a week of Vacation Bible School. It's been a nice balance of a week of some structured activity for a few hours, and some open time to do the things listed above or just have free fun playtime. I have to say, one thing I pride myself in is having some good old fashioned outside fun. We live in a world of technology, social media, tv, etc. It's a huge struggle for everyone. You hardly see kids outside playing anymore. Despite that, the girls have a lot of time just being kids--playing on swing set, riding bikes or scooters, playing soccer, playing in the pool or in the sprinkler, swinging on our new tree swing, doing sidewalk chalk, climbing trees, catching lightening bugs, etc. It's been fun. I will keep you posted as more comes up.

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