Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Just a quick update on what the girls are doing these days...


Emily's vocabulary....
My favorite that she says a lot "UH OH" with her cute little pouty lips
dog (dogs are by far her FAVORITE animal, she gets sooo excited)
some funny word for Ashley
what's that? (wdat)...lol
word for grand mom/grandma
Scott (she started saying it on our trip)
bye (with a cute wave)
hot, hot (she says that for all "danger" items, not just hot things which is even cuter)
I know there's a few more, I just can't think of them at the moment.

She comprehends everything your saying.
She can point and identify things when you ask her to.
She is running at this point.
She is starting to do a good job fitting shapes into the appropriate spots.
She absolutely LOVES to dance/listen to music/play with instruments.
Even though she is very independent and loves to be on the move, she still is a snuggle bug and loves her cuddling, hugs, and kisses. She opens her mouth and leans in to give you a kiss now which is so cute).
She is aware of her body parts.
She loves her sister and playing together.
She is an absolute sweetheart--with a little bit of "stinker" mixed in with her mischievous side ;)
She can climb the steps (has been able to for a month or two now)--still needs some assistance getting down.
Climbs on everything.


Ashley is a pro with the potty. She RARELY has an accident, and can even sleep through the night and wake up dry.
She counts up to 20.
She has songs memorized.
Can identify any object, shape, color, etc.
Her "threenager" behaviors are still there at times, but have gotten much better lately thank goodness.
Other than her threenager behaviors, I absolutely LOVE this age for it's creativity and imagination--she loves loves loves to play dress up or pretend to be a character.
She has a cute little lisp with some words: i.e. she calls her slippers, lippers.
When anyone asks her what her name is, she will say "I'm Ashley Grace Shohen".
She can tell you what town and state she lives in. Our street name is a little difficult to pronounce for a 3 year old.
She was coloring a picture of the statue of liberty and was able to identify that it was in fact the statue of liberty.
She loves to help--cooking, cleaning, just about anything.
She has her moments where she steals toys from Emily or even just go up and push her for no reason, but overall she is very kind and loving with her. She gives her kisses, hugs, helps to take care of her/ looks out of her without me even asking.
She is sensitive to others feelings. Still loves to give hugs and kisses to everyone.

I'm sure there is so much more. Sometimes I feel like a slacker mom--my sister will ask (since her baby is 2 months younger than Emily) what Emily's latest word or doing is, and I'll really have to stop and think about it. When you have more than one, especially when they are so close in age, it's hard to keep track of the "firsts" or big deals like you did with just one baby. I think in my case it's just the fact that they're so close in age more than anything. It can get pretty hectic and hairy at times, especially with Emily on the move (or running and climbing) now. Ashley is pretty independent, but I still need to monitor some of her behaviors when interacting out in public, and Emily is running in the opposite direction and into everything. I don't have time to sit down too often these days. But again, wouldn't change any of it!

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