Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! We had a fun holiday. The weekend before we went to Oakland's Easter Egg Hunt/Festivities. Grandma was in town so she went along with us. After the egg hunt, daddy drove Grandma into NYC to the train station (she was going on a trip), and he and Ashley made a day of it in NYC...they had a very fun, special daddy-daughter date. They went to the top of the Empire State Building, they went to Central Park, they visited some of Ashley's characters, went to eat, etc.

Emily and I also had a fun mommy-daughter date. We hung around the Easter festivities (they had games, crafts, and the Easter Bunny). Emily wasn't a fan of the Easter Bunny though.

Easter day was fun. We opened Easter baskets and played with some of the goodies that the Easter Bunny had left. Then we had the slowest egg hunt ever--Ashley wanted to stop and open up every egg as she found to see what was inside and Emily didn't quite grasp the concept yet. It was cute though.

We finally found a church we like here, but we ended up watching church online because Emily had had a fever the day before and we didn't want to bring her in around other babies. So we watched church online, then got ready to go to Aunt Lauren and Uncle Andrew's house for Easter lunch/dinner. We had a good group with them, Ben, Grandpop and Grandmom, then Seth and Ethan Katz were also there.
We had another egg hunt, played outside, went fishing, etc. Nice leisurely day, for the most part. We did have quite a scare though! As I mentioned we were fishing off their dock. Daddy was helping Ashley, and she was also using a fishing net to try to catch things while we were all nearby supervising. Well, she reached just a little too far, and went headfirst into the water. Without hesitation, Matt jumped in with all his clothes on to get her. We had to pull her out, then him out of the water. I swear I got a grey hair from that. As much as some of the occasional "threenager" behaviors can drive me nuts at times, I love my girls more than life. Seeing her in the water, struggling to swim to the top scared me to death. She's my baby.  It definitely scared her and she was crying, but (despite being scared to death), we all remained calm, got her inside and in a warm shower, and handled it well. So hopefully it wasn't too traumatizing. Definitely an Easter that will go down in history! Lol.

All in all though, it was a real nice day.

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