Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Real quick update

Just a few minutes left, so I'm going to "speed through" the latest with the girls.

Let's see...Ashley is doing awesome with school-related stuff, she got a great end of the year report card. She could do everything on the list, including writing her name, excellent at tracing letters, coloring within the lines now, cutting, skipping, knows her address and phone number, etc etc. She really does great. She's even above and beyond--can count to 100, starting to do small math/adding. She LOVES to color lately. She loves coloring in her coloring books (particularly Strawberry Shortcake), or making her own pictures. One day she colored for two hours straight, and I'm not even exaggerating. I love seeing her have such a passion for it. She loves to sing. She loves playing on their swing set and even just taught herself how to pump and swing by herself. We joined the YMCA lake, and she has really been enjoying swimming...her confidence level has really increased too. It's awesome to see her grow.

Emily is growing so much too! In my last post, I had mentioned we were switching to pull up's after we ran out of the last of the diapers. We did. She did great. She still won't go poop on the potty very often (although she did go twice in the last two days), but she almost always goes pee pee in the potty. She has an occasional accident when we're playing and busy, but most of the time she goes on the potty. Sometimes she'll tell me when she needs to, other times I'll ask her. She had been doing good with sticker chart, but it lost it's appeal real quick so I had to up the ante and bribe with a piece of candy each time (for now). That sure motivates her now. Haha.
She's doing great too...she speaks in full sentences--has been for a while. Sometimes she'll say things a little backwards, but overall it's comprehensive. She can also count to 10+, does good with puzzles, matching shapes, singing the ABC's, and gets most of her colors right (that's the only thing she sometimes has trouble with). She can be quite mischievous, but she can also be incredibly sweet and loving, and caring for others. She'll even ask me if I'm ok if she sees me get hurt. She loves to help with things now.
Emily also got her ears pierced a couple months back for filling up her sticker chart for good potty use. She had been asking for them for a while, so that is what we chose for her reward. She cried briefly, but did great and has continued to do well with them. She also has quite a confidence with swimming (and everything else physical or daring).

I'm sure there's more but I'm out of time....

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