Friday, May 30, 2014


It's been a while since I have been able to update the blog...Life is just so busy these days. I don't like to/get to do it while girls are awake, and my "down time" has been used to plan Cheryl's bridal shower/wedding stuff, read, take care of work phone calls, etc....

Anyway, just wanted to give a quick update on things.

First, I just got back from Emily's 18 month check up. Everything is looking great! Her weight was 21.75 lbs, which put her at the 38.05%, and her height was 33 inches, putting her at the 85.35%....

A couple months back we noticed her one foot turns in a little when she walks. Matt used to wear a cast/brace for the same issue as a baby so I wanted to bring it up, but the doctor said hers isn't too bad and will naturally correct itself.

Emily's speech has more than doubled since I last wrote in here. She even has started putting words together, like "hi dadda". Prior to this, I was getting a little concerned, but out of nowhere she really took off with it--I looked into things just to make sure she was "on track" with where she needed to be, and she actually is exceeding the "average" for her age.

She was doing great developmentally, and they commented on how she is just so sweet and also so curious. I have to second that--Emily is so kind and loving.

Ashley is doing great too. I requested to meet with her teacher to check in on things. She said that Ashley was doing great in all areas, but she felt her speech was a little weak. She said that Ashley is such a happy and confident girl, she'd hate to see her lose that because people have to keep asking her "what?" I know there are some things, for instance people will ask her her name and she'll say "I'm Ashley Grace Shohen", and they have a hard time understanding her, and she'll say things like "lippers" instead of slippers. Or Emily sounds more like "Emiwee"...but overall people understood her (I of course understand everything, but I live with her).

Anyway, she suggested we look into it with pediatrician and possibly get her evaluated with a speech therapist. I brought up what we noticed with the pediatrician, and she didn't think it was too big of a concern. But I like to be proactive rather than let things turn into bigger issues, so we had an evaluation done yesterday.

Basically,  we were told that Ashley is another Matt when it comes to her learning style. She is very bright— she “gets it” quickly and is ready to move onto the next thing, and her body can’t keep up with it. She also speaks very quickly, and expects the listener to come up to her speed—she is not adjusting hers.

Basically the woman said to try to slow her down a little by setting a timer for 5 minutes and using that time to have slow, focus time/short segments. She did not feel that this her issues are complicated or long term. She mainly wants us to focus on F’s and S’s (she said not to even worry about the blends). 

She gave us a couple of exercises and suggestions to do at home, and that should suffice. So I am glad....

Anyway, that's their latest developmental stuff. I am on a time crunch, but will write again soon to fill in on some of our latest happenings and also to update pics.

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