Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Lots of teeth!!!

Well I have a few updates, but figured I'd start with the title...

Emily is getting tons of teeth at once! She had her two bottom middles, then got her bottom left. About a week ago her bottom right one came in. A few days ago I noticed some of her tops are coming in too--her left "fang" tooth is coming in first, and her top middles are coming in second. The girl is a champ, she is handling all of them pretty well. She is chomping on everything she can get in her mouth though, including people...haha. She also loves to stick her tongue out all the time, which if funny since I did the same thing as a baby from what I've been told.

Emily is also reaching for tons, having fun banging things together, etc.

I just had her 7 month pics taken by a photographer that Cheryl used with Alyssa while here in NY. She was making her cute little scrunch face and tongue out pics in a bunch which I love since that's her signature trademark right now :)

Ashley is doing great too. She loves to sing and dance a lot (in fact I hear her singing to herself in the room right now during nap time). She's been having fun doing lots of active things, such as parks, climbing, walks, etc. She also has been enjoying artistic things like finger painting, water paints, etc.

As I mentioned, right now we are here in NY. Kristyn and Brian are living in Bahrain (in the Middle East), and are home visiting for a month. It's probably their only trip for the year since it's so expensive and long to fly home, so we came up for a few days to visit. We've been having a great time, I love watching the girls with them. We've been having fun swimming at Saratoga Spa Park, going to downtown Saratoga to eat at a cool circus restaurant and walk around, playground and for ice cream, etc. It's been a nice visit with fun play time and catching up. They'll also being coming to our new house before they leave which will be nice. We will miss them when they're gone.

In other news, only 13 days left until we close on our house!!! Yay!!! I am so excited and anxious to get in and have our own place, our belongings back, etc.

Well that's about it for now. Will post some pics sometime soon.

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