Wednesday, April 20, 2011

3 1/2 Month Update

The past few weeks have been full of fun and discoveries for Ashley.

First, a couple of weeks ago she giggled for the first time (even before she rolled over). I was blowing on her belly and she laughed. She didn't do it again until tonight, so I wasn't sure if it was an actual giggle. But tonight Matt and grandma heard it too (grandma is in town visiting).

Ashley also is getting strong! Before, we'd hold her hands and she'd pull up to sitting position, but now she pulls herself all the way up to standing position. She loves to stand. Matt thinks she'll be walking before crawling.

She also LOVES to kick. Her kicks are stronger and more frequent. We play a game where I'll say "are you kicking your momma?" and she'll smile and crack herself up.

Another thing, when I am feeding her, she'll sometimes hold onto my finger which is always precious. Well now she realizes that she can use her hand to guide and move my finger all around which she thinks is neat.

We also think Ashley may be teething already. She is drooling A LOT, and she is now sticking her fingers in her mouth.

Also, just yesterday she started this thing where she sticks her tongue out, curls it, and tries talking at the same time. I think she realized she has her tongue and that it works. It's so cute to watch.

Of course, Ashley is camera shy so when I try to capture these things, she won't do them. But that's why I'm documenting these moments, so I can read about them and recall all the special memories.

She is just getting so big though! This past weekend we went to Jacksonville Florida to visit our good friends Jen and Jim. They just had their new baby Emma, so we went to visit and to help (or at least attempted to). Emma was bigger at birth than Ashley was, but she looked so tiny compared to Ashley which made me realize just how big she has gotten. It made me kinda sad to see how fast the time is going and how my baby is growing up so quick. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE her age now, she is SOOOO much fun. But that's the thing, I love it all so much and wish I had a pause button so I can enjoy this time longer. Just have to make the most of it while it's here. And I sure do love it, and I love my baby girl sooo much.

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