Thursday, December 23, 2010

12-23-10, Dr. Appt update

Just the latest from the doctors visit...I went today and they said the baby has dropped, Ashley's head is down nice and low. I am about 1/2 cm dilated (that's 1/2 more than last week at least), and the doctor was guessing that she's about 7 lbs. Everything is looking good!

I have to say, all in all I feel great. Granted I have some sleepless nights--one night I sleep through the night, then the next I wake up to pee and am wide awake for hours, and it's on and off. But that is to be expected for being this far along...And now that she's dropped there's more pressure on my bladder, but I guess I expected the symptoms to be a lot worse from what people have told me. I still feel pretty human and good!

Yesterday was my last day of work before Christmas break and maternity leave, so now I can really be in baby gear! Matt and I are both getting very excited. Every day Matt keeps asking if today's the day, and keeps suggesting things to rush her out! Lol. The other night we were making guesses at when she'll be born, and whose features she'll have--i.e. eyes, nose, ears, legs, feet, etc. Can't wait to see!

I know that there is no perfect parent out there, and that no matter how good of parents people try to be, there's no way that we can possibly meet every need our child has all the time since we ourselves are human with human limitations, and our child's needs may be very different than what we needed as children. But all in all, I hope when Ashley looks back on her life she will know how much she was loved and wanted right from the very start. I hope this blog will help her to see that too!! the countdown says 10 days...Last day in the double digits! Wow!

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