Sunday, August 6, 2017

Already in August

Well, we have already hit August. Summer is just zipping right by. It's been going really great so far. Before school let out, I was a little nervous about what we would do during our "off weeks". I don't know what I was worried about. It's been busier and more chaotic than during the school year, but in a good way.
Since I last wrote, the girls had a fun week at VBS. Mom came down for their last day so she could see their show that they put on, singing and dancing to fun God songs. Before the show, she and I got some one on one time and got pedicures and a bite to eat. We had friends Karen and Kim Belfer down for a day, then had some fun Grandma time.
We took a day trip down to Point Pleasant Beach and met my cousin Nicole and her daughter, Chanelle. We had a fun day chasing the waves, building sandcastles, talking, followed by hitting up the boardwalk rides, pizza and ice cream.
We did another movie theater visit, lots of fun pool parties and playdates. Both girls are now swimming pretty well on their own. Even Emily was swimming alone in the deep end. We've taken trips to Chuck-e-Cheese, Ikea kids, our WMCA lake, etc.
I took Ashley for a mommy-daughter date. We went to paint ceramics and "chit chat". It was very fun.
Last weekend we did a long weekend in Upstate NY. We saw Grandma and Grandpa, and we were even able to see my extended family with Aunts, cousins and cousins kids. It was really nice since I hadn't seen anyone in a while. I got to see my friend Jodi and her kids. We did playground and splash water park, swam in my cousins pool followed by BBQ. We did the Saratoga Racetrack and Lake George.
We came back and did our last week of soccer camp. Then playdates, and pool dates, etc. We did a truck building project at Home Depot, and today Daddy took the girls with Grandpop, Uncle Andrew and Ben to see the Eagles pregame down in Philadelphia, while I take a much needed day of rest. It's been go-go-go! But lots of fun memories made.
In a couple weeks we will be going with Grandmom and Grandpop to our annual Wildwood beach trip to finish up the summer. Looking forward to that too!