Friday, November 11, 2011

Lil' Miss Independent

So Ashley is really becoming independent. When it comes to eating, she loves feeding herself. It's even getting to the point where she doesn't want other food that she cannot feed herself. I've had to feed her something at the same that she's feeding herself something else. Lol. I'm proud of her! She's been enjoying new things like eggs, french toast, different veggies, pastas, meats, etc. Basically she likes to sample everything we're having, with the exception of the foods that they shouldn't eat until later. Also, on the rare occasion that she has bottles (like when I'm out or at work), she is now drinking it out of her sippy cup (she has been drinking water out of it for a while though).

She is majorly into exploring things. She has started climbing up on the fireplace, although she hasn't quite figured out how to get down yet. The other day she was hanging halfway off, kicking her legs. It was funny. I am of course always nearby to make sure she is safe. She also was learning to climb up the stairs tonight with daddy's assistance.

She started pulling up on her bathtub, I think she is ready for the regular bathtub now!

Ashley has been talking a lot lately. She really mimics a lot of things we say, it's so cute. One day I was coming downstairs for the morning, and the heat wasn't on yet so I said "brr". She copied me. She also tries to call our dog Maddie, and sometimes it really sounds like she's saying Maddie. My favorite is that she is saying mama a lot!!! I just love it!

She also likes to turn the pages when we're reading. Another cute thing she does now is gives "eskimo kisses" where we rub noses together.

She's been doing lots of fun things. She LOVES being on the floor crawling and exploring. She still plays with toys, but she's more interested in scoping out every inch of the house. She's had play dates with friends. On daddy's 1/2 days when he watches Ashley while I'm at work, he recently took her for a hike, then another time to the park. We always do lots of fun things too. Today we went to the bookstore to the play area, and then they had story time.

Ashley is lots of fun, and again we are so proud of her.

Here are some recent pics of Ashley, including her Christmas pics that we took the other day. I know it's early, but we had a coupon that expired in Nov, and I wanted to beat the holiday rush. Ashley was so cute!

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